Saturday, March 14, 2009

10 New Romances

The term "bromance" has annoyingly entered the lexicon. Here are some proposed variations on the theme:

Cromance - Love between Neanderthals

Toemance - Podophilia

Fromance - Love of your large swath of curly hair

Homance - An affectionate prostitute/john relationship

Joemance - The Republican Party in 2008

Snomance - The reason Eskimos have 50 words for snow

Yomance - The love between a scrappy underdog boxer and a mousy introvert

Crowmance - Infatuation among Johnny Depp fans

Womance - Leads to Mawiage, a bwessed awangement

Woemance - A doomed relationship

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha. that was funny.